A wise man once said, “Teaching Is a Profession That Teaches All Other Professions”

       A person can change many lives, if he or she has the passion, dedication and strive to bring good to this world. A person, no matter who, is shaped by their parents, their friends and their teachers. Teachers are like our second parents. They help shape our personality, our nature, our opinion and our inner-self. A good teacher is always remembered.

       A teacher is a person who is very crucial in a student’s life. Teachers play an important part in our education. They are the bridge between the knowledge of the world and us. Teachers also teach us about life, experiences and how to handle them. Teachers do indeed help give form to our nature and personality and turns those who wish to become the best they can be by the help of their eager strive. A teacher always prepares her students for the future and life to come. A teacher helps us finds our skills and is our guiding light. Teachers also help parents, they help them find their child’s weak spots and work on them. A teacher always has a reason on giving a punishment, and like parents, this punishment is for the benefit of our future. A role of a teacher is very important in a student’s life. A teacher helps her student find something he or she is good at and that is why teachers are important. This is the role of a teacher in one’s life. A teacher directly affects our future and the person we are to be.

A good teacher always leaves good memories. A teacher isn’t declared great because they are good at their job, instead, what makes a good teacher is that whether he or she is teaching you from the heart. A teacher treats her students like her children. The role of a teacher is as important as a parent. They are the ones that construct your future. This is the role of a teacher and we won’t be able to do anything without them.



Nuclear Winter (Preview)

This is a preview of a story I am writing:

Hold up there! First of all I was just a normal person. A kid with dream. Just like 20% of the world’s population. I went to school, lived with my family and carried out life activities. I was nothing special.

Firstly, I will introduce myself. My name is Matt Williams and I am a 12 year old boy. I live in a stone and brick house, near a town. I shared it with 4 other people: My parents, my brother and sister.

You can call my family “The Multiple Styles”. It is a name that fits my family perfectly. My house was made out of bricks and stone. It had a designed based on the houses of Britain in the 1700s. It was like an early British house. Our family loved history. The statue of Poseidon’s trident in my backyard proves it. My home was rich in diversity and even though everything was different, it fit into my house perfectly. Everything in my house was two things: either rural or urban. The things that prove our rural house are that we have a farm near our house with crops and all kinds of stuff. My family also took pleasure in stuff like milking the cows, feeding the animals and harvesting the crops. But this did not mean that we were not modern. We were the opposite of that statement. We had Wi-Fi, laptops, phones and a modern SUV.  My house was like a story. It was like many things. It was like a museum because we had statues, remains and bones of homosapien, Greek Mythology and etc. Our house was like a village as we had a barn, two fields and frequent harvests. But we didn’t harvest it in the traditional way instead we used tractors, laser levelling techniques and etc.  Our house was like a modern city as it had all kinds of devices and strong Wi-Fi. We had good security. Not on a mansion level but a very interesting and secure place to live in.

My family was just as unique as my house. I had my parents, my brother an sister. Firstly there is me, a kind of a book worm and person humble from the outside. I had a huge ego which I always kept under check. But my ego sometimes kicked in.



Ahmed Bin Imran

Sun: Our Caring Friend (Essay)

It is said, “The Sun is not only a blazing ball of plasma instead it is the symbol of life itself.”

The Sun is a star that is located in the center of the Solar system. The Sun is orbited by 8 planets and other terrestrial bodies. It is remarkable in size and has a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers with a surface temperature of 5,505°C so it is considered immensely hot. This gigantic, golden star is the most vital source of energy for our beloved planet, Earth.

Even though the sun is 150 million kilometers from Earth, it still has a massive effect on earth. It provides Sunlight which is later onwards converted into heat to warm the Earth during night. On the contrary, Sunlight plays an influential role in our daily routine and diet thus it is a part of every food chain as plants require Sunlight to photosynthesize and prepare food. When the energy is acquired, the plants are then fed on by herbivores which are preyed on by carnivores and later onwards eaten by humans.

The Sun also plays a part in the making of all types of accessories that we use as they are usually obtained from a crop or a substance that is indirectly relying on the sunlight. Attributable to the sun, natural processes like wind occur due to difference in temperature and air pressure. In contrast the Sun also effects other terrestrial bodies and keeps everything in the solar system at its place along with affecting their temperatures. The Sun also powers most of the satellites that travel across the world.

As a result, it can be justified that the Sun is the most important energy source for all life on Earth. Although it is star, it appears to be a living being and a blessing from God. The Sun is our very own caring friend.


Ahmed Bin Imran

Letter to UN General

This is a theoretical letter to the UN General telling him about all the global problems and their solutions.

Secretariat Office,

29th January, 2017

Respected UN Secretary General,

       I have been informed that you are facing from the UN, so I would like to draw your attention to some of the major problems many nations are facing globally.

There are some important issues and concerns that I would like to identify for y our knowledge and information.

Such problems are poverty and hunger. The reports gain state the decline of those living in global poverty, it is reclassified as a living $1.90 or less a day, to a forecast of 9.6% of the world’s population in 2015 __ A projected 200 million people living under extreme poverty line in 2012. About 21,000 people die yearly due to hunger or hunger-related causes. This is an average of 1 death every 4 seconds. Sadly, it can be seen that most of the people who die are children, yet there are plenty of food in the world to feed everyone. The problem is that the food doesn’t reach the poor.

Another problem that can be seen in Terrorism. Most of the nations consider Muslims as the main cause of terrorism but this is mainly because of their lack of knowledge, as they don’t know that in Islam, Terrorism is not allowed and so this unacceptable point of view should be corrected. We also need to think about other people who are still continuously killing people as well, and guide them to the right path.

Another issue that must be brought into consideration is the environmental issues of countries. This can be observed in many ways. Climate Change is done by things such as Global Warming, Burning of Fossil Fuels, Greenhouse gases which leads to problem like rise in sea levels. This rise cost flooding and loss of life. Pollution is also a key aspect in the destruction of the environment. Air pollution is done by smog and environmental effects of industries. Soil pollution is done by soil erosion and the contamination of soils. Water pollution is done by oil spills, ocean waste dumping, industrial waste water which may lead to acid rain. So we disturb our environment and don’t even know what outcomes we are doing to Earth.

Another Consideration are the health issues faced by the inhabitants of our countries. Everyday millions of people die of diseases like Cancer, Malaria and heart failures. People also die due to lack of physical activities, which results into them gaining weight and leading to diseases such as obesity. Other problems include reasons like Tobacco, Immunization and lack of access of health care. 36 million deaths each year are caused by non-treatable diseases like diabetes and cancer.

One more considerable issue is the occurring of natural disasters. Natural Disasters happen naturally so can’t be stopped, but still their damage can be reduced by building less settlements where natural disasters occur frequently. This will result into a decreasing overall casualty rate of the disaster that has occurred.

One other reason is the use and development of nuclear weapons is increasing dramatically and much of the countries spend most of their economy on ensuring that they have the most advanced nuclear weapons. This is increasing the threat of an involuntary use of nuclear weapons which could lead to the death of millions of people. A nuclear war between two superpowers can result into global devastation and freezing cold temperatures. It is highly dangerous mostly due to the emitting radiations. This may cause increase in genetically problems for the future generations to come.

One last problem that is faced by many nations is the difference in religion and race that leads to many internal and external conflicts. Many people are forced to convert religion or else they receive harsh punishment. The same case is with races that include that in the community of blacks, the whites are turned down and rejected while in the white community, the blacks are turned down and rejected.

So these are the problems in the world. They also have solution that I would like to recommend you. The solution to the problem of poverty and hunger is that money should be given to the poor through charity or fundraisers so they can find a job to earn a living. Food distribution should be held in areas where there is no availability of food. Agriculture should also be improved. Taxation should also be reduced for the poor so they can pay them and they can earn while feeding their families without the hassle of having less money for tax. This problem should be set as the upmost priority as when this problem is resolved, many other problems can be deviated. Like if this is done, terrorism will decrease as less people will need money and less people will die for it. When these people will get money they can educate themselves and learn more ways to protect their environment, reducing the environmental pollution of all types. When these poor people will get educated they will learn new methods to save from health issues as more and more doctors will evolve. These people will solve problems themselves and health problems can be resolved. We can decrease the problem of religion and racism by banning the forceful conversion of religion. Build unity and trust among communities. This is how the black and white people situation will be solved. This way peace can be maintained. Also more treaties should be made against development of nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons should be banned from production. This will result into less threat.

I hope you will consider some of these problems that I have told you about. I hope you realize all these problems and put a stand against it before it is too late. I hope our future will be perfect and all these problems will be resolved in the near future. I hope you apply these with the help of your UN members and make this world better.

Yours Sincerely,

Ahmed Bin Imran     

Author :

Ahmed Bin Imran


Essay On Enceladus (Essay)

Our beloved Earth. The only place to support life, or is it?

Earth is a planet, orbiting around the giant sun but it is not the only planet that orbits the sun. There are other planets which combine to form a solar system. It consists of small rocky planets to huge gas giants. From Asteroids to moons and many more. Did you know that the most interesting planet, is our ringed friend, Saturn? This Gas Giant is more than 1.4 billion kilometers away from our blazing, hot Star. This Planet is famous for its iconic rings; but this is not the only thing it is famous for, it is famous for its moons.

Saturn has 62 moons to be exact. Our ringed friend is huge and like any large planet has a strong magnetic field. They are many moons of Saturn; Honorable Mentions are Titan, Mimas, and Tethys etc. But among these all, a very particular body lies in the orbit around Saturn. It is called Enceladus. This moon is about 1.2 billion kilometers from our sun. It is about 500 kilometers in diameter. It is approximately tenth of the size of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. It is covered in fresh, clean ice. Its ice has made it one of the most reflective bodies in the solar system. This moon was discovered by William Herschel in 1789. During that time, it was not really talked about but all of this changed in the 1980s when the Voyagers saw some mysterious geysers coming out of the South Pole. To explore this mystery further, they sent the Cassini to discover more. The Cassini discovered that these geysers released plumes of ice crystals and water vapor. These geysers are believed to be releasing water vapor because there is an ocean inside the crust of the icy land of Enceladus. Due to this, the question arises on how water is still in liquid state on a freezing cold land? This is because the revolution of Enceladus around Saturn allows it to make tides and generate friction which thus heats the inner core and then the water is heated and it is released as vapors from the geysers. Alongside this, it has the building blocks of life which are Hydrogen, Methane, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen; all of these gases are present there. Enceladus is believed to be adolescent as compared to other moons as its surface is only 100 million years old. Enceladus is also the moon that creates the most outer layer of Saturn called the Halo ring. The reason why Scientists say that Enceladus is different from other moons is that it has revealed many secrets about the universe.

Enceladus is a revolutionary change in the field of astronomy. It may be a young moon and have a rare chance to support life but it has brought hope to astronomers to discover the rest of the universe and find out about other wonders that are scattered throughout the universe. 


Ahmed Bin Imran

The Kind Neighbor (Short Story)

Once, there was a boy named John. He was 4 years old. One day, when the sun was shining at its greatest. John and his mother went to the fruit seller which was quite famous in their area. It was the end of the week sale. When they reached the bazaar, they started doing their work. They were looking for the best stall present there which was believed to be the stall that sold the most fresh fruit and vegetable. Mummy’s list said that they had to buy 1 kg onion, 2 kg tomatoes, 2 kg Apples, a dozen of bananas and half a kg of cucumber. She had bought half of her stuff when John saw a white baby goat. He slowly left his mom’s hand who was asking the salesman to give her a bargain. John followed the goat to where ever it went. John was like a penguin following his friends. John followed the goat to many places. To the lake (where he was about to fall in the lake), along the streets and across the bridge. On the other hand, his mother just noticed that her son was missing. She asked around and people answered that they did not know. His mother grew more worried and impatient. John also started crying when he saw that his mother was not present on his little adventure. Luckily, John was crying in the street where his house was located. His neighbor, Amanda saw him crying and asked him what was wrong. He did not tell her and kept crying, but after a lot of encouraging he finally told her that her mother that he did not know where his mother was. She asked him where he last saw his mother. After some hesitation, he finally told Amanda that he was with her in the bazaar. Amanda was confused about the bazaar and decided to go to the most famous bazaar as it was the go to spot for most people for shopping. She took John with her and after an easy journey, both of them reached the bazaar. There the neighbor couldn’t find John’s mother as it was a big bazaar. She decided to go to the most famous stall because John’s mother always went there for shopping of fruit and vegetable. There she found John’s mother, who had almost gone crazy for not knowing where her child was and decided to stay there until her child came back. John’s mother was very angry. When Amanda gave John back to his mother, His mother thanked her warmly and held John by his ear. She then scolded John but was stopped by Amanda to not a shame him in public. She smiled and took John back home. Amanda also went with them. On their way home, John’s mother thanked Amanda for her kind deed who said it wasn’t a big deal. Then John’s mother later invited her for dinner and they lived happily ever after.  


Ahmed Bin Imran

Bob The Fish (Short Story)

Once upon a time, there was a fish named Bob. He lived with his father in an underwater city. The city was beautiful and like an underwater Ethiopia. It had all the stuff we had on land. But still, Bob was sad. He was sad because he had a bone to pick with someone. That someone was the shark. This shark was not like any other shark. It was big and huge and had sharp teeth. It was like, as we call it on land, a great white shark. Bob wanted to kill the shark. Why you may ask? It was because as I told you before he lived in the sea with his father and did not have a mother. His mother was eaten by this shark. He wanted to kill the shark so bad that he was ready to risk his life so he can avenge his mother’s death. The problem was that he was weak and couldn’t fight the shark. He decided that along with his friends he would set on a quest to kill the shark. But adults did not allow them. Other than Bob’s mother, other fishes were also killed by the hands of the shark. Ok, not hands, fins would be good. This sea was located near a beach. One day, a man having the name of Tal, was surfing on the sea when he slipped of his board and started drowning. He was far off the beach so he received no help. Bob and his friends were playing near the man. Even though the adults told them not to trust humans. Bob and his friends trusted Tal and saved his life. The man was surprised to see talking fish and didn’t talk to them. He also had an oxygen mask in his pocket which he put on. He then got over the fact that they talked and like a weirdo, decided to stay in the ocean for a while. He was not a good swimmer and could not get to the beach by swimming. Bob later learnt this fact and found it as a way to help him kill the shark. Bob took him to the Ethiopia and introduced him to everyone. The fishes were not strong but they were good engineers. They gave the human a small hut to stay in and decided to ask him if he could defeat the shark. They made harpoons, ropes and blades and then asked Tal if he could defeat the shark. They also promised they would take him to the beach afterwards. Tal hesitated and then agreed. They then set on a quest with all the fishes who hated the shark. Bob, his friends and many adults. They faced the shark. The fishes distracted the shark while Tal put a rope around its neck to suffocate it. He then stabbed it with the blades some times and injured it severely. The shark started screaming in pain and later his voice ran out and died in the water. Everyone was happy and as they promised, brought back Tal to the beach and after this, no fish had any fear of a shark.


Ahmed Bin Imran

If Disaster Strikes (Short Story)

One day, I woke up. It was my school trip to a museum that day. I jumped up with joy and carried out my daily routine like brushing my teeth, changing my clothes and eating breakfast. I then left for school and skipped with happiness to school. I reached school and went to my class. We only attended the first period when the buses arrived. After it arrived, every class hopped on different buses. We were all aboard by 10:30 a.m. We put all our luggage on the back seats. We crashed on our seats and set on our way. They were no pit stops so we decided not to eat or drink that much. We were first on the highway then we started to move on mountains. We started talking. We were so engrossed in our talking and the driver was in so much ease that we did not notice the crack in the middle of the road. It was formed by the earthquake that had occurred a few days before. It couldn’t support the weight. As we drive on the crack without hesitation our tire got stuck. Then the driver started turning and accelerating. He tried many combinations. He told us to stay on aboard and locked the doors. Then he pushed the , the brakes and turned the steering at the same time. It was tense inside the box. By that we drifted and crashed into the trees and were down the mountain. Only held up by some trees. We then slowly evacuated the bus and called the police to get our bus out of there. While the police was arrived, we talked about the driver’s mistake to lock the doors behind his back. Then the police arrived and took our car out by hooking their cars on the bus and reversing back. It finally came out. We thanked the police and carried on our trip.    


Ahmed Bin Imran

Reduce Reuse Recycle (Speech)

Good Morning ! My name is Ahmed Bin Imran and today I have been given the chance to speak on the topic ‘Reduce Reuse Recycle’. This method is also called the 3R principle. First of all, what does this mean, like what do we mean when I say we should follow the 3R Principle?

To understand that, I will break down this phrase. In other words, What do reduce, reuse and recycle mean as individual terms and what do they mean as a collective term.

Reduce means smaller or less in amount, degree, or size. It means to lessen something. Reuse means using something again and again or more than once. Recycle means to utilize materials and waste less.

Now, what do we mean when we say it as a collective term? When we say this, we mean to carry out a cycle.

To understand this let’s take an example of a metal can which is carrying out this cycle. Before I start, I will clarify that each step is interconnected to another. At first, we buy a metal can. If the same metal can be used for other purposes then we are indirectly reducing the use of materials. We are also reusing the can which means that we have followed two steps of the cycle. Then after some time the can is not in good condition, then we can use our DIY skills to make another use of the can. This way we followed all the steps of the 3R principle.

I hope you learned something from today’s speech. I just wanted you to understand the principle. Now I would like to thank you for listening to this speech and I wish you a pleasant day ahead.


Ahmed Bin Imran

Examinations Should be Banned (Debate)

Albert Einstein said that I quote, “Exams is what remains after one has forgotten everything they have learned in school.”

Mr. President! Examinations should be banned. I am willing to stand against his famous statement by elaborating this topic in a different point of view. I usually wonder why people won’t stop using this statement as it is incorrect. Examinations are there for testing the pupil’s mind of how much have they learned till now. Henry Fischel from America was the first person who invented the system of examinations.

Examinations play a very important role in our life as they are like milestones for us to achieve and they also help us to know more about Science, geography, History etc. Our grades decide our capabilities and are proof of our skills. We should work hard on getting good grades. Everyone has a dream, some have the dream to become an engineer or a doctor, some have the dream to become a pirate and many more. If we want to accomplish these dreams we will have to work hard on our studies as they decide where we will be placed in our future life. It is also said, “Education is the passport to a victorious future full of an astonishing life, for tomorrow for those who prepare for it today.” Examinations are the key to the future. The good thing about exams is that if you fail you can try again as it is the most important obstacle you have to conquer. If we get good grades then we have been a part of the people in the world that are literate. We can earn money and get other poor people to give exams which as a result will help to boost up the literacy rate of our country and around the world. Being literate, you can create a positive impact on the society as well as the entire world. Exams help us prepare ourselves for something. Exams also help us compete and when there is a competition, everyone is highly motivated to work hard. Now, I would like to end my debate by saying that exams are not useless but actually they are the most important thing in our life.

 This is Ahmed Bin Imran signing off his debate.


Ahmed Bin Imran